I didn't complete Mini Jam 160- And I'm okay with that!

This game is unplayable in its current state.

The loop is nonexistent, it’s buggy, and the code is clunky, disorganized- overall, a mess. HOWEVER: I am extremely proud of what I got done in 72 hours (give or take) ((mostly take.))

I have never used Godot, I’ve never made a game of this style- and even then, my game development experience is minimal. A few 2D platformers I made from Brackeys tutorials here and there. (We don’t talk about my Scratch empire- those Warrior Cats fan games are the closest I’ll ever get to being a real Game Developer)

But I learned a lot! About broader topics, like programming and problem solving, and about really small stuff I probably don’t actually need to know! Like every function the Godot 4.2 Tilemap has to offer… I think that documentation is burned into my brain permanently.

Currently, the game has maybe 3 features: a wombat that walks, plants that grow, and the ability to plant those plants. You can’t harvest them, theres no UI… it’s rough. In the coming weeks, I’ll continue working on this game, though! It’s the closest I’ve ever come to doing something, and I think this jam gave me the push I needed to really lean into my Game Dev Summer. I hope to have a very basic version of the game out by late July! We’ll see how that goes.

I might post video dev logs on Youtube, if I ever learn how to edit- so subscribe! @nekoboy_nyaru :3


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Same with me, I learnt pretty much everything for this jam during the 72 hours (although I barely managed to finish), and although I can't see what you have made, I'm sure it will be great. Good luck with progressing your game and future game jams!